
Friday, 21 September 2012

Abel & Cole's Hakuna Frittata!

On page 123 of Abel & Cole's Veg Box Companion I found a recipe that I, and many others, have been making for years!

It's the "anything-you-have-left-over-frittata" or Abel & Cole call it a "Hakuna Frittata"and it's perfect for a midweek quick dinner or just using up what you have in the fridge for a weekend lunch.

You can get a free veg box companion if you sign up before the 12th October with the code: HELLO (details at the bottom of the page for a limited time only, sept-oct 2012)

I used: 3 salad potatoes, quarter of a head of broccoli, 1 Leek and a sprinkling of cheese to taste!

Abel & Cole recommend using ready cooked veg, I agree this is the best way to do it but I has some raw bits in the fridge which were just on the right side of fresh and wanted to use them quickly!

First chop everything up. Then heat a pan with a good glug of oil.

If using raw ingredients cook the potatoes first until crispy, then remove let the pan cool before adding couple of tablespoons of water, put back on the heat and add the broccoli. The water will create a bit of steam to start the broccoli cooking. stir for a few minutes then turn the heat up and add your leeks.

In a jug make up some egg mix (3 eggs and a bit of salt and pepper). Turn on your grill.

Put the potatoes back in the pan with your now cooked broccoli and leeks, add the egg mixture and stir gently until the egg starts to cook and solidify (I cant think of a better way to describe it).

Reduce the heat and allow to set before sprinkling your cheese on top and placing under the grill till golden.

I served 2 wedges with some cherry tomatoes, basil and balsamic glaze to add colour and contrast. You could just serve with salad, wedges or on its own as a snack.


Simple, tasty and economical. Put in exactly what you want and you can't complain!

I made another one recently with onions, asparagus and brie that I found in the reduced section, it was very tasty.

Recipe Score:

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